
Changes since last week update

by Alexis Serneels

Trials, UX improvements, Moderation panel, Broadcast… lots of changes were made since last week update. Here is the full recap.

Trials changes

We discovered that the introduction of a 30 minutes trial brought confusion and complexity for new users. We firstly tried to change the location of the "Start Trial" button but were not convinced by the results. In definitive, we've removed the need to manually start your wall as a Trial. You now get results and your wall runs under Trial mode by default.

UX improvements, such as:


It happens to the best of us, new versions introduce involuntary glitches. Important is that we've fixed them. Here is the full list.


We keep working really hard to provide you the best experience.As always, don't hesitate to reach us with your feedback. We'll be glad to read you.