
Introducing our LiveTweetApp Widget

by Alexis Serneels

We already help you displaying and sharing valuable tweets by providing you a display of moderated tweets as a slideshow or poster mode.Today, we go further and are proud to release our official widget you can use on your website or blog.Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a real preview of our demo account.

EDIT : Widget feature has been removed. Read more here


The widget displays your 10 last accepted tweets and let your visitors interact with them. Available actions are Follow, Retweet and Favorite. We have also made it to load tweets asynchronously, so it will not slow down your webpage.

And the good news is that the widget is available to every plan, free to pro.

You can start using it right now, just hit the "Website" button next to the outputs format selection in your moderation panel.We'd love to hear your feedback on this brand new feature. As always, we read your from brussels.