
Twitter Wall tips for your educational establishment

by Alexis Serneels

The use of a Twitter Wall at school or college can help your improve communication and can be useful for several academic event. Here a some cases and tips to get the most of it.

Use cases of a Tweet Wall for your school, college or university.

Open house.

An open house is the perfect time to welcome future students. It is also the perfect day to inform parents and accompanying people about the life of the school, its folklore and its traditions. Use the Twitter wall as a means of promoting student life but also as a means of information to redirect visitors to planned activities.

Daily life : information board.

Crucial information point at school, information boards dictate the daily and weekly lives of students. Help your students find their way in the school with a Twitter wall that regroups fresh information from the school: cancelled classes, scheduled changes, results announcements, ...

During events : livetweet.

It's the big day for your university sport team. It's the prom! It's graduation day!  Setup a Twitter wall and focus students' reactions on the big screen. The wall will be the perfect companion to your event, working as a "meta-discussion" that glues the community together.

Your own CraigList

Course notes share, flat-sharing, found objects. A Twitter wall is the good idea to permanently display content that relate to your students.

Several challenges await the school wishing to use this type of communication within their establishment. If you have to deal with too much messages, important ones could be lost. On the opposite, a lack of participation can kill the initiative. Reaching the right audience at the right time is the whole strategy of a Twitter wall. Here are some tricks in order to do it right.

Our tips for an effective Twitter wall within a school, college, university

#1 Share your hashtags

Gathering relevant tweets starts with your audience knowing which hashtag to use. Wisely use all your sources (website, newsletter, posters) but also sensitize your influential persons (class representatives, teachers, event organizers, staff...). Does the school already have its own hashtag? Could you use a more specific one for a particular event? A simple and well chosen hashtag will save you time to gather important tweets on your Twitter wall.

#2 Moderation is key

The second secret is to be relevant. A wall filled with non-relevant information is a waste! Be selective and precise, you owe it to your students! Avoid noise and pollution!

In the same way, pay attention to what you are broadcasting: a lot can be said on Twitter. While moderation tweets and content, you have to play your editorial role.

With LiveTweetApp, moderation is built-in in the core of our product : it is a crucial point in the use of a Twitter Wall. We did our best so this part doesn't become a chore.

#3 Choose your display location

A giant screen? Why not! But more than the size of the display, it's its location that will matter. To reach your audience, think strategically, think of passage ways like corridors, stairs, lobby. The cafeteria is also the ideal place for live tweeting an event or fresh announcements display. And remember how rewarding it is for anyone to see his tweet on the big screen! Perhaps this is even more true for students?

Duplicate your display locations and adapt them according to the school's current events. Shared information is only effective if it is seen by the right people!

#4 Customize your Twitter Wall

If the Twitter wall you install is working, it's also because it represents the school and the people who work and live there. Customize your wall with the logo and colours of the school. If your audience can identify itself in your TweetWall, it's a guaranteed success.Keep your wall synced with the news: Is a concert planned ? Stick a reminder to your wall with the guest group logo. Is your sport team playing? Broadcast scores in real-time. There a so many possibilities.


The Twitter wall is a showcase of your establishment, it's a reflection of the community life. It also acts as an activity monitor of the school. Done right, the tweetwall can become part of your school history and the people who gravitates around it.

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